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Home Animal Actors on Location!

Animal Actors on Location!

Animal Actors on Location!
There's no doubt about it, the world is going to the dogs (and cats and birds and pigs) at Universal Studios. Animal Actors On Location! is your chance to see some of the most talented stars from movies and television perform without a script… which is not surprising, because animals can't read!
Animal Actors on Location!™ [field_atg_usp-formatted]
Kein Zweifel, in den Universal Studios™ geht die Welt vor die Hunde (und Katzen, Vögel, Schweine und Orang-Utans). Bei Animal Actors On Location! können Sie einige der talentiertesten Tierstars aus Film und Fernsehen erleben. Das Ganze ohne Drehbuch... kein Wunder, denn Tiere können nicht lesen!
ATB Short Description: 
Nesta atração você assistirá aos mais talentosos atores do mundo animal. Aqui encontrará cachorros, gatos, pássaros, porcos, orangotangos & Cia, que demonstrarão os truques de vários filmes famosos de Hollywood.
Animal Actors on Location!™
There's no doubt about it, the world is going to the dogs (and cats and birds and pigs) at Universal Studios. Animal Actors On Location! is your chance to see some of the most talented stars from movies and television perform without a script… which is not surprising, because animals can't read!

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